From our baby ballerinas all the way up to our Company stars, your ballerina will feel right at home with Pointe of Grace Dance!
The tuition below is for the entire semester. Email us for multi class discounts, scholarships, and sibling bundles. Check out our Parent Portal Page for our additional fees.
*All of our Worship Classes must be taken along with a Ballet Class.
**Level 3 and up are required to participate in an evaluation/phone conference with our Director to be placed in a higher level. Contact the studio to schedule evaluation. This is just so we can evaluate her ballet background and guide you to her perfect class!​
2025 SPRING Session
Creative Movement (Ages 3-5)
Level 1 Ballet (Ages 5-7)
Level 2 Ballet (Ages 7-9)
Level 3 Ballet (Ages 8-13)
Level 4 Ballet (Ages 9-15)
Level 4 must take ALL Intermediate Classes. They are advised to take two days of ballet if possible.
Additional Rehearsals will be listed in their Handbook.
Beginning=Level 1/2 Intermediate=Level 3/4
Worship classes MUST be taken along with a ballet class.
Shine A Light's Company
AUDITIONS: Email our office for a day and time.
Company has the opportunity to take up to four ballet technique classes, jazz, modern, character, conditioning and worship every week. Our Company rehearses for our upcoming performances up to twelve hours a week. Visit our gallery to see our moments on stage! Email the studio to set up a meeting with our director to audition for Company TODAY! Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday ballet classes are the requirement to be in Company.
All other classes are highly encouraged.
Tuition Breakdown
The tuition breakdown is per dancer and for the entire Spring Semester.
Rates can be paid in full or split into monthly payments.
This is due once a month by the tenth. After the tenth there will be a $10 increase on that monthly payment.
Level 4/Trainees/Company members will receive their tuition breakdown in their 2024-2025 Season Packet. To receive this please email the studio. Packets will be given out the first day back.
-Additional classes
(Email the studio to receive your discounts after you register.)
All other fees that you should expect can be found under our Parent Portal tab.